a Chi Alpha Campus Ministry
Our weekly, spiritual life workshop meets every Fridays, 7:00-9:00 PM in CDS 264
Our Bible studies meet throughout the week.

Encounter God
Love People
Enjoy Life
The Only Thing that Counts is Faith
Expressing Itself through Love
— Gal 5:6
"Taste and see that the Lord is good"
Psalm 34:8
Spiritual Workshop? A Different Model.
Relational Interaction
Interactive Learning
Personal Experimentation
Community Support
Personal Encounters With God
Your Questions Welcome
Not Just Inactive Spectators Listening to Other Peoples Experience.
Enter the Experience. Have a Taste.

Cores: Relational Discipleship Bible Studies
Jesus modeled growing together in small, relational, supportive groups. In fact, this model may be described as a core behavior of early believers. Love is not a solo activity. We all need someone rooting for us and supporting us as we grow. As disciples of Jesus we seek to understand and apply what we learn from Scripture, and we do it together.
Our Mission: To bring the gospel to those outside the church while developing effective, servant leaders.
Reach, Root, Equip, Send
Our Goal: To develop ministering leaders that represent the priesthood of all believers.
Our Method: The Five-Fold Ministry Philosophy
Our Scope: Soul Care, Culture Care, Creation Care
Spiritual Workshops
Bible Studies
Mission Trips
Service Opportunities
Parties and Activities
and more...

Above The Haze is a Boston University Christian student organization focused on growth, community, service, and leadership development. We are part of Chi Alpha Campus Ministry, an international student movement.
We believe personal engagement is an important part of campus life and an essential part of the Christian life. We have a chance to live our lives with Jesus rather than just learn about him. Our lives are transformed, love is expressed, and justice grows when we actively engage with Jesus, Scripture, people, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus' mission.
The Bible
For millennia lives, cultures, and civilizations have been transformed through God's communication in the form of the Bible. Together, we learn to understand and apply the teaching it holds.
The Holy Spirit
We worship and follow a God who is always close. The Bible describes one God who is also three persons. Jesus did not leave us alone when he physically left the earth. He gave us a new and dynamic relationship by giving us his Holy Spirit as a guide, healer, teacher, and equipper. Jesus brings us comfort and strength through him while allowing us to aid him in bringing healing to those around us. The work of the Holy Spirit is necessary for what Jesus described as a normal Christian life.
God did not intend us to follow him alone. God binds us together as a source of encouragement and strength. Jesus taught about love more than any other topic, and love is not a solo act. It is through community that we learn and grow in our love, acceptance, and forgiveness, reflecting the character of Jesus.
Jesus calls us to believe in him, put our trust in him, and appy his teaching. The Bible calls this being a disciple. Jesus challenges all of us to become his disciples. Our response is to follow Jesus together just as he modeled with his first disciples. Together we aim to be transformed by Jesus as we learn about the new life he offers us.